Saturday, October 12, 2019

Petronas wins three O&G exploration blocks in Brazil

a close up of a tall building

Petronas subsidiary Petronas Petróleo Brasil Ltda (PPBL) won three Brazil offshore oil and gas (O&G) exploration blocks during a bid round on Thursday (Oct 10).

PPBL won the CM 661, CM 715 and CM 541 blocks within the Campos Basin. 

Petronas said the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) had during the ANP round-16 concession's bid round, For blocks CM 661 and CM 715, PPBL as the operator holds 100% equity. For Block CM 541, Total, as the operator holds 40% equity, Qatar Petroleum (40%) and PPBL holds the remaining 20% equity

Besides upstream O&G operations, Petronas also has other ventures in Brazil including Petronas Lubrificantes Brasil SA, a subsidiary of Petronas Lubricants International.
Petronas undertakes its logistics business in Brazil through MISC Bhd.

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